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Sedation Dentistry in Nashua, NH: Overcome Dental Anxiety and Restore Your Smile

Dental anxiety is a common issue that affects many people, preventing them from receiving the dental care they need. At Nashua Family Dental, we understand the fear, embarrassment, and discomfort that often accompany dental visits. That’s why we offer sedation dentistry to help you feel relaxed and comfortable during your appointments, making it easier to get the care you deserve.

Are You Avoiding the Dentist?

If any of these situations describe you, you’re not alone:

  • Avoider: Many patients avoid the dentist for five, ten, or even twenty years, but it’s never too late to start prioritizing your dental health.
  • Embarrassed: Some patients feel self-conscious about their teeth and cover their mouths when they laugh or smile. We’re here to help, without judgment.
  • Ashamed: Perhaps you’ve been told by other dentists that you “needed dentistry” and felt shamed into not returning. We’re committed to providing compassionate, respectful care.
  • Too Busy: Life is busy, and complex dental procedures may require multiple appointments. With sedation dentistry, we can often complete several treatments in one visit, saving you time.

Sedation Dentistry Solutions at Nashua Family Dental

Dr. Keshian and our dental care team are experienced in helping patients manage dental anxiety with sedation dentistry. We offer a judgment-free, welcoming environment where your safety and comfort are our top priority. Sedation dentistry can be a life-changing option for patients who experience extreme anxiety, sore joints, a sensitive gag reflex, or difficulty getting numb.

We offer two types of sedation to help you relax and feel pain-free during your treatment while still being alert and responsive:

  • Oral Conscious Sedation: We prescribe a sedative for you to take at home before your appointment. This will help you feel calm and relaxed by the time you arrive at our office. You will need to arrange for someone to escort you to and from your visit.
  • Nitrous Oxide (Laughing Gas): Administered through a small cannula placed beneath your nose, nitrous oxide takes effect almost immediately and helps you feel completely relaxed. The effects wear off quickly, but we still recommend having an escort for your safety.

The Benefits of Sedation Dentistry

Sedation dentistry not only helps you overcome anxiety but can also allow our team to complete multiple treatments in one visit. If you’ve avoided dental care for years due to fear, sedation can provide a comfortable experience while we restore your smile and oral health.

Frequently Asked Questions About Sedation Dentistry

  • Am I a candidate for dental sedation?
    Most patients are suitable candidates for sedation dentistry. Before using sedation, your dentist will review your medical history to ensure a safe and pleasant experience.

  • How long does dental sedation take to wear off?
    Oral conscious sedation can take several hours to fully wear off. We advise you to avoid driving, operating machinery, or making significant decisions for 24 hours after treatment.

  • Is sedation covered by dental insurance?
    Dental insurance typically does not cover sedation, though some plans may offer partial coverage. Our front desk team will help you understand your benefits and provide a cost estimate.

  • How common is dental anxiety?
    Dental anxiety affects around 36% of the population, with 12% experiencing extreme dental phobia. At Nashua Family Dental, we specialize in helping anxious patients feel comfortable during their care.

  • What can I take for anxiety before dental work?
    Anti-anxiety medications, such as Valium, may be taken an hour before your visit. We also offer oral conscious sedation and nitrous oxide to help calm your nerves and ensure a comfortable experience.

  • Can dental anxiety cause teeth to hurt?
    Anxiety can lead to teeth grinding, which may cause tooth pain or sensitivity. Grinding can also damage the nerves, leading to discomfort.

  • How long do the effects of dental sedation last?
    Depending on the type of sedation, the effects can last between two and eight hours. Your dentist will provide specific instructions based on your procedure and sedation type.

  • Will I feel any pain with dental sedation?
    Sedation dentistry ensures that you won’t feel any pain during your treatment. We use a combination of sedation and anesthetic to keep you calm and pain-free.

Schedule a Worry-Free Dental Visit Today

If you’ve been avoiding the dentist due to anxiety or fear, Nashua Family Dental is here to help. Our compassionate team offers sedation dentistry options to ensure a comfortable, pain-free experience. Call us at (603) 881-4022 or request an appointment online to take the first step toward a healthier, more confident smile.

Make an Appointment

There is no cost to schedule your appointment. Please fill out the form below and a member of our care team will confirm your visit.



62 Brown St, Suite 502, Nashua, MA 01830

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