Woman patient sitting in armchair during dental treatment

Tooth Colored Fillings: Restore Your Smile at Nashua Family Dental


At Nashua Family Dental, we offer a variety of mercury-free dental fillings to restore your smile. Whether you need a filling to treat decay or want to replace old, dark fillings, our dentists provide personalized care using high-quality materials to ensure both the health and aesthetics of your smile.


Tooth Bonding: 
Tooth bonding is a popular, minimally invasive procedure used to fill cavities, repair chipped teeth, and cover stains. Our dentists apply a tooth-colored composite resin, carefully adapt it to fit your tooth for a seamless and natural appearance. After shaping, an ultraviolet light is used to harden the resin, and the restoration is polished for a smooth finish.

Tooth bonding is an excellent, cost-effective option that can last ten years or more with proper care. It’s one of the safest and most affordable ways to improve your smile quickly.


Inlays & Onlays: Advanced Restorations for Damaged Teeth
For more extensive damage or larger cavities, we offer inlays and onlays, also known as porcelain fillings or partial crowns. Inlays and onlays are crafted from high-quality materials that blend seamlessly with your natural teeth. At Nashua Family Dental, we use CEREC technology to design and fabricate these restorations in-office, allowing us to complete your treatment in a single visit.

CEREC inlays and onlays provide superior aesthetics and strength compared to traditional fillings. They are custom-made using CAD/CAM technology, ensuring a perfect fit that restores your tooth’s natural function and appearance.


The Dental Filling Process at Nashua Family Dental
Our dental filling procedure is straightforward and usually completed in a single visit. For your comfort, a local anesthetic will be administered before we begin. Here’s what you can expect:

  1. Preparation: We gently remove decayed material and thoroughly clean the affected area.
  2. Filling Placement: Using a tooth-colored composite, your dentist will fill the cavity, sculpting the material to match your tooth’s natural shape.
  3. Sealing and Polishing: The filling is hardened with a special light, sealed, and polished to blend seamlessly with your smile.

If your filling requires an inlay or onlay, we’ll use our advanced CEREC technology to create a precise, durable restoration that looks and feels like your natural teeth.


Frequently Asked Questions About Dental Fillings

  • How long does it take for teeth fillings to settle?
    Fillings typically take about 24 hours to settle. During this time, be mindful of what you eat and avoid hard or sticky foods.

  • What should I avoid after getting a filling?
    Avoid hard, sticky foods and extremely hot or cold drinks for the first 24 hours to minimize sensitivity and protect your filling.

  • How many fillings can I get at once?
    While there’s no set limit, it’s recommended to get no more than two or three fillings in one sitting to maintain comfort. If multiple fillings are needed, you can schedule additional appointments.

  • Can a filling be replaced multiple times?
    Fillings can be replaced as often as necessary. If the filling becomes too large, we may recommend other options such as a crown, inlay, or onlay.

  • Do fillings weaken teeth?
    Proper oral hygiene helps maintain the strength of your fillings and prevents additional decay. Regular brushing and flossing are essential.

  • Are there any side effects of fillings?
    Some patients may experience mild sensitivity or tenderness after a filling, but this typically subsides within a day or two.

Schedule Your Dental Exam Today

If you think you might need a dental filling, bonding, inlay, or onlay, schedule a dental exam at Nashua Family Dental. Our team is dedicated to providing high-quality, personalized care for patients of all ages. Call us at (603) 881-4022 or request an appointment online today. Let us help you achieve and maintain a healthy, beautiful smile!

Make an Appointment

There is no cost to schedule your appointment. Please fill out the form below and a member of our care team will confirm your visit.



62 Brown St, Suite 502, Nashua, MA 01830

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